Contrasting the misconception .. a “shocking study” on protein bars

weight within a week" Compared to people who do not take it.

Researchers believe, at . State University Arizona American, it "Although protein bars are often nutritious and healthy, they are not satiating enough to prevent a person from eating more later.".

Protein bars have become very popular in the world United StateIts sales this year amounted to $6.5 billion, double the amount achieved in 2014.

And contain most protein bars It contains about 200 calories, which is about the same as two apples or three medium-sized eggs.

In this study, the researchers followed a number of young people in their twenties, where they were asked to eat their usual diet, with some of them given a single protein plate for two weeks.

The study found that people who ate the protein bars increased their daily intake of Calories By about 220 calories, while their fat mass increased by half a kilogram during the first week.

Dr. Carol Johnston, health expert at Arizona State University, said: "Sales of protein bars are showing rapid growth year after year.. These bars may represent an effective source of certain nutrients, but they may increase the total consumption of protein. energy Daily risk of gaining fat mass and body mass over time".


And the British newspaper, “Daily Mail”, said that those who eat one protein plate each day are “more likely to increase weight within a week” compared to people not taking it.

Researchers believe, at . State University Arizona The American states, “Although protein bars are often nutritious and healthy, they are not satiating enough to prevent a person from eating more later.”

Protein bars have become very popular in the world United StateIts sales this year amounted to $6.5 billion, double the amount achieved in 2014.

And contain most protein bars It contains about 200 calories, which is about the same as two apples or three medium-sized eggs.

In this study, researchers followed a number of young people in their twenties, where they were asked to eat their usual diet, with some of them given a single protein plate for two weeks.

The study found that people who ate the protein bars increased their daily intake of Calories By about 220 calories, while their fat mass increased by half a kilogram during the first week.

Dr. Carol Johnston, a health expert at Arizona State University, said: “Sales of protein bars are showing rapid growth year after year. These bars may represent an effective source of certain nutrients, but they may increase the total consumption of energy and the risk of gaining fat mass and body mass over time.

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