Controversial Statement by 33-Year-Old Causes Uproar: World Wars and World Cup Innuendo

2023-12-28 03:13:38

A statement by the 33-year-old that brought the two world wars into play caused anger among fans – and even the English broadcaster Sky Sports felt compelled to apologize.

“I’ve never had the audience so on my side,” said Williams, before adding – somewhat slurred but still relatively clear: “I know that we have won two world wars and a World Cup. The German fans here were also huge.”

The shitstorm on the internet followed promptly and the broadcaster also felt compelled to react to the tasteless innuendo. Presenter Anna Woolhouse apologized after the interview for using “offensive language”.

Williams himself later issued a statement about the incident via X: “What I said on stage earlier was a bit stupid! I love the people, the food and the venues!”

“What I said happened in the heat of the moment after a crazy game against Martin! It was not intended to hurt anyone’s feelings and I deeply apologize! Lots of love,” added the Englishman.

It wasn’t Williams’ only questionable action in the match against Schindler: between sets, the Englishman regularly encouraged the audience to support and cheer him on – sometimes, in the German’s opinion, in an exaggerated manner.

“What I don’t think is good is when, as an opponent – like Scott Williams did today – you get pumped up and say: ‘Come on, make it louder’. “I never really did that, it honestly wasn’t a nice thing to do,” the Strausberger confirmed his frustration in an interview with SPORT1.

In the round of 16, Williams will face Australian Damon Heta or Dutchman Berry van Peer (LIVE on SPORT1).

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