Controversy over Wine Label with Armed Forces Insignia: Chamber of Deputies Demands Action

2023-06-14 21:42:02

The National Defense Commission of the Chamber of Deputies and Deputiesdecided to officiate at the Defense Minister, Maya Fernández, following the news about an edition of wines whose containers use labels that would include the use of logos or insignia of the Armed Forces and the Order and Security Forces, which commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Coup d’état.

This action, which was presented by the deputy Tomás Hirsch (Humanist Action), also seeks that if the above is verified, the geographical area in which it would be commercialized and the measures and actions that will be adopted before the possible perpetration of an illegal

According to the pro-government parliamentarian, and debating what was raised by his colleague Johannes Kaiser, this issue corresponds to Defense and not to Agriculture.

Specifically, this official document alludes to a report by 24 hours about the sale of a wine that refers to the 50th anniversary of the coup.

On the label of the bottle it says 50 years of the “National Liberation” and the angel of freedom appearswhich is the symbol of the military dictatorship and which was also minted in the 10-peso coins.

At the bottom of the bottle you can see the shields of the Navy, the Army, the Carabineros and the Chilean Air Force (FaCh).

This situation has generated discomfort mainly in organizations that defend Human Rights.

Along these lines, the deputy for Social Convergence, Lorena Fríes, said that this “It is a lack of respect, a lack of consideration for what we have experienced many years agobut also with what the victims and their families experience every time these types of acts are carried out.”

For her part, the deputy of the Communist Party, Lorena Pizarro, was very sorry for this situation because she feels that “the denialist offensive is brutal and the problem is that it cannot be installed, 50 years after the civic-military coup, visions and all valid”.

Wine from the 50th anniversary of the coup

One of the creators of this wine, lawyer José Luis León, told the aforementioned medium that it is a personal initiative and that he does not represent any political party.

“It was an initiative between a group of friends that (…) for some reason, probably some excess of enthusiasm, someone wanted to disseminate too much and without my authorization, without my knowledge, exceeding trust, some people made my contact known or distributed, ”said León.

One of the labels even states the following: “Nothing can prevent history from claiming our work. That will be the hour of victory (Augusto Pinochet Ugarte)”.

Next to this legend is a photo of Admiral José Toribio Merino, and Generals Augusto Pinochet, Gustavo Leigh and César Mendoza, who were part of the military junta during the dictatorship.

On the back it also reads that it is a limited edition (2020) of the Carmenere strain.

The Navy, Carabineros and the FaCh said that they are studying the presentation of complaints or denunciations to clarify the use -without their consent- of the institutional shields that appear on the label of these bottles. Only the Army avoided referring to the controversy.

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