Cooking for your baby: my easy recipes

Food diversification in babies is important from a certain age. The baby will experience new flavors, new smells, colors and textures. As a mom, you are going to find this very exciting and exciting. Your little adventurer is waking up to new foods, so it’s important to adapt his meals as his age changes. Check out some of my recipes to cook for babies as well as practical advice.

What tips for cooking good meals for your baby?

When your little bundle of joy starts to grow, you’ll need to diversify your diet to ensure its proper development. For this, it is advisable to:

  • vary the tastes with aromatic herbs and spices;
  • choose the right cooking mode;
  • save time by preparing meals in advance.

Indeed, the baby must eat with pleasure just like adults. Thus, you will have to take into account the color, flavor and texture of the food. Aromatic herbs and spices are your allies in making love food to your little one. In addition, these are natural and offer many virtues.

Then, it is essential to choose the right cooking method to preserve the nutritional qualities of food and allow your baby to enjoy it. It is therefore recommended to favor steam cooking to preserve the nutritional qualities. Otherwise, you can also opt for cooking in water even if it preserves less minerals and vitamins. Steaming is also highly recommended, especially for fish and meat.

Finally, it is now advisable to cook meals for your baby in advance to save your time. Have you ever heard of “batch cooking”? This is the great current trend that comes to us from Anglo-Saxon countries! This consists of taking a moment of your free time during the weekend and preparing several meals for the whole week. You will then only have to reheat and assemble your preparations.

This way, you can think about meals for the whole week in one go. It also saves you from asking yourself the question “what are we eating tonight?” “. For your little baby, you can, for example, prepare mushrooms, sweet potato, rice and salmon. For the assembly, you can make a dish of mashed sweet potato with cumin, rice and mashed sweet potato, rice with mushrooms, etc.

Yum, mom’s good recipes ????

Some recipe ideas to cook for your baby according to his age

There are hundreds ofrecipe ideas to cook for your baby. So, if you’re out of ideas, we offer you small meals that are easy to cook and that your little one is sure to like.

Baby from 4 to 6 months

You can make a leek puree. For this, you need 2 organic leeks and for a start, it is better to opt for the white part of the leek for the puree of your baby from 4 to 6 months, the green part is too rich in fiber. For the recipe, wash the vegetable and cut the white part into small pieces. Then start steaming for 20 minutes, then transfer the vegetables to the blender bowl with a little spring water. Blend well to obtain a smooth purée. You can gradually add the cooking water if possible.

Baby from 6 to 9 months

You can prepare a small zucchini soup with gruyère by taking 100 g of zucchini, 7 g of fine semolina, a tomato and grated gruyère. For the recipe, wash and cut the zucchini and tomato into small pieces. Steam your vegetables in 300 ml of water, then blend the zucchini and the tomato. In parallel, cook the semolina separately and incorporate it at the end at the same time as the Gruyère.

Baby from 9 to 12 months

For your baby from 9 to 12 months, we offer you a broccoli puree recipe, ham, and Laughing Cow. For this, you need a broccoli, a potato, a slice of ham and a portion of laughing cow. Then cut the broccoli and the potato into small cubes. Then steam with 300 ml of water. Then, mix everything together with the ham and the portion of cheese.

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