Coscu and Momo Benavides against Twitch: Are they leaving the platform?

2023-04-27 15:44:33

Whenever the referents of any field express themselves against something or someone, the repercussion is greater. Coscu and Momo have always spoken without mincing words about Twitch’s treatment of the Latin American community. And the opinions are not positive at all.

“Silver does not make happiness or success. It doesn’t do anything,” Coscu said in Caja Negra with Julio Leiva, back in 2021, when platform changes and streamer moves were also on the agenda. Two years have passed, and the debate is still the same. If Twitch does not even satisfy those who have the most people, what is left for the rest?

Given this view, and within the framework of the run-up to the Evening of the Year, which will surely be the most important event of 2023, Coscu stirred the hornet’s nest: “I’m going to start streaming in Kick”. At PEEK Latam we have been anticipating that the growth of the green platform had no ceiling, and with this possible incorporation, without a doubt, the Twitch vs. Kick fight will take on another color, at least in Latin America.

Although Coscu also clarified that “he is not going to leave Twitch”, he gave Kick a relevance that he did not have on this side of the pond before. Ibai had occasionally spoken of the new competitor, but Coscu will set a precedent.


Momo was dedicating less and less time to traditional streaming. The direct ones like those of Qatar, Auschwitz and the most recent one in Antarctica, seem to be without a doubt the comfort zone of La Plata. In any case, Momo also addressed the uncertainty that worried his followers: what did he think about Twitch.

“I don’t earn a penny from Twitch. I am very far from living off the viewers”, he sentenced during a broadcast on his channel, in which he discussed various topics such as the pending trial with Booyah. Furthermore, he added: “Value streamers, most of them make content practically for free. Twitch does not pay anything, nobody has a contract, subscriptions are not paid well. We never felt valued.”

Coscu’s announcement, the obvious discontent of Momo Benavides and the constant decisions of Twitch that less and less favor small streamers. Everything is working together for Kick to gain ground: What is the future of streaming? I followed this topic and many more in PEEK Latam.

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#Coscu #Momo #Benavides #Twitch #leaving #platform

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