Coup against Putin planned – “poisoning, sudden illness, accident”

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Of: Nail Akkoyun

In view of the precarious situation in the country, the Russian elite is said to be planning the overthrow of Vladimir Putin. A confidant of Putin is to be installed as his successor.

Moscow – In Russia* the elites are said to be planning to remove the president Wladimir Putin*. The alleged masterminds are said to already have a successor in mind. This is reported by the Ukrainian secret service – and not particularly discreetly.

On the official Facebook page of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, a post begins with the following words: “Poisoning, sudden illness, accident – the Russian elite is considering the possibility of deposing Putin.” formed, opposed to [Wladimir Putin] provides,” it continues. “Their goal is to remove Putin from power as quickly as possible and to war in Ukraine restore shattered economic ties with the West.”

Russia: Former Putin spokesman plans to take part in coup d’état

A certain Alexander Vasilyevich Bortnikov was chosen as his successor. Bortnikov is general and also director of the Russian domestic intelligence service FSB (Federal Service for Security of the Russian Federation). Bortnikov was sanctioned by the West in February, along with Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov, for allegedly helping to plan the Ukraine invasion.

According to reports, the Russian elite want to take action against President Putin. A coup is planned. © Vladimir Zivojinovic/AFP

The ties between the FSB and the Kremlin are close. It is not for nothing that Bortnikov was long considered an important confidant of Putin. So should FSB agents behind the Poison attack on government critic Alexej Navalny* have stuck.

From the Ukraine* But it says that Putin and Bortnikov have fallen out in the meantime, with the Russian President blaming his general for the difficulties Ukraine war* held responsible. It would not be the first time that the ruler would let his subordinates feel his frustration. According to media reports, several Russian generals have been deposed, placed under house arrest or even arrested in recent weeks. A possible reason why Bortnikov could now actively work on a ouster of Vladimir Putin.

Putin angry with secret service: FSB underestimated war between Ukraine and Russia

“It is Bortnikov who has fallen out of favor with the Russian dictator lately,” wrote Ukraine’s intelligence service. Putin was angry about the “fatal miscalculations in the war against Ukraine.” It was Bortnikov and his department “who were responsible for analyzing the views of the Ukrainian population and the capabilities of the Ukrainian army.”

the inside France* Living Russian dissident Vladimir Osechkin published a series of letters from an alleged whistleblower on his website. The whistleblower, operating under the alias “Wind of Change”, claims that there is a climate of fear in the FSB because the secret service failed to warn of the immense Ukrainian resistance to the Russian invasion.

Ukraine-Russia war: are secret services planning to assassinate Vladimir Putin?

A violent overthrow of Vladimir Putin has been a topic of conversation since the beginning of the war. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham from the US state of South Carolina has repeatedly indicated that the ruler must be assassinated in order to Ukraine conflict* to be able to finish. “You would be doing yourself – and the world – a great service,” Graham tweeted.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki strongly condemned Graham’s words, stressing that the USA* and President Joe Biden* Would not endorse such plans: “No, we do not advocate killing a foreign country’s leader or regime change,” Psaki said at a news conference.

A former French secret agent told the US news portal The Daily Beast that he believed all secret services are currently planning the assassination of Putin*. “The operation is on the planning table of every intelligence service,” said the former agent of the Directorate General for External Security (DGSE). He himself was previously involved in similar planning. (nak) * and are offers from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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