Covid-19 can cause 20 years of cognitive aging – La Nouvelle Tribune

Patients who have suffered from a severe form of the coronavirus are at risk of psychiatric, neurological and cognitive disorders after the illness. This is at least what should be remembered from a recent study published by researchers from theUniversity of Cambridge and Imperial College of London (United Kingdom) in the magazine eClinical Medecine. Scientists have indeed carried out research on nearly 50 patients who suffered from Covid-19 six months after their infection. These patients, whose average age is 51, reacted like 70-year-olds.

Low cognitive performance

The finding is that patients who have been infected with the virus recorded the lowest scores and were slower to answer the questionnaires compared to the others. It was also noticed that patients who had been admitted to intensive care had the lowest cognitive performance. Also according to the results of the survey, some of the patients were followed up to 10 months after their infections.

“Some people may no longer recover…”

“We conclude that the recovery of cognitive faculties is, at best, slow”says study officials. “We have seen a very slow improvement. Even if it wasn’t statistically significant, at least it was going in the right direction, but some of these people may never fully recover.”explained for his part the director of the study, David K. Menon.

Many people are still suffering

We generally remember that several thousand people are exposed to these problems. According to statistics from Adam Hampshire, researcher at Imperial College and lead author of the study, several thousand people in England have been hospitalized due to Covid-19. He thus makes it known that after the pandemic, many people are exposed to these disorders. “Many people still suffer from these cognition problems months later”lamented the scientist.

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