Covid-19: the French National Authority for Health no longer recommends primary vaccination for the general population

Conducted at the same time as the flu vaccination, the HAS recommends a recall campaign against Covid-19 next fall, targeting only those at risk to develop a severe form. It is in its press release that the HAS unveils its new strategy to fight against the epidemic which seems to be continuing in France, while it rising again in the UK. The HAS recommends in its press release the administration of a booster dose in fall 2023 for people at risk of a serious form of the disease, as well as people around them or in regular contact with them, including professionals in the health and medical sectors. More specifically, the people with certain comorbidities regardless of their age, people aged 65 and over as well as pregnant women. For people over 80 years and over or immunocompromised, HAS recommends a booster dose from the spring 2023 (source 1).

Despite this decision on primary vaccination for 2023, HAS does not rule out the possibility of implementing a strategy on a larger scale if the epidemic were to resume, lack of variant. It is also quite possible, for anyone wishing to do so, to be vaccinated, even without being among those at risk, on simple request. The logistics chosen to combine vaccination against Covid-19 and influenza raises questions, since the FDA would have demonstrated a increased risk of stroke after the two cumulative injections (source 2).

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