COVID-19 Vaccine reluctance – Macky has its dose: Senegal has a stock of 5 million overdue doses – Lequotidien

The state should not be expected to buy new doses of the coronavirus vaccine. The decision was taken by the Head of State. President Macky Sall estimates that the country has a stock of 5 million doses of vaccine and 400,000 others expired, were recently thrown in the trash.

By Mamadou T. DIATTA – Buying new doses of vaccine once morest the Coronavirus, is no longer on the agenda for state authorities. The newspaper Le Quotidien has indeed learned from a good source that Senegal will no longer buy new doses of vaccine. This is the decision taken by the Head of State in person. President Macky Sall justifies his measure by the fact that the country already has a stock of 5 million doses of vaccine. An availability of doses of vaccine which hardly excites, in the eyes of the President of the Republic, the populations. Especially since, according to the Senegalese leader, his compatriots do not show their desire to go and be vaccinated at the level of dedicated structures.
However, the services of the Ministry of Health and Social Action have not failed to multiply awareness campaigns aimed at the populations, on the need for the latter to go and be vaccinated once morest Covid-19, at the especially during the period of high prevalence of the Delta variant.
The decision of the President of the Republic to no longer acquire new doses of vaccine once morest the Coronavirus, comes at a time when the country is experiencing its third wave of Coronavirus. A third wave which is characterized by the thousands of positive cases, with the prevalence of the Omicron variant. Daily bulletins from the Ministry of Health and Social Action in recent weeks show an increasing number of cases testing positive, with more than 500 new patients per day. Consequences: the Epidemic Treatment Centers (Cte) and other structures intended for the care of Covid-19 patients are overwhelmed.
The other argument, which ended up convincing the first of the Senegalese, remains the hundreds of thousands of doses of vaccine that have expired. Since it is reported that 400 thousand doses of anti-Covid vaccine expired and were thrown in the trash.
To counter the onslaught of the Omicron variant in Senegal, the National Epidemic Management Committee (Cnge) recommended, in a circular dated Tuesday, January 11, the administration of a third dose of vaccine for the target persons.

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