Criticism of Nehammer’s “alcohol or psychotropic drugs” sayer

Chancellor and ÖVP federal party chairman Karl Nehammer caused astonishment in social media and criticism from the FPÖ and SPÖ yesterday at the Tyrolean ÖVP party conference in Tyrol with a “alcohol or psychotropic drugs” saying. The chancellor had said, in the event that one does not adequately counteract price increases and inflation: “If we continue like this, there are only two decisions for you afterwards: alcohol or psychotropic drugs”.

“And I say: alcohol is basically okay,” said Nehammer, finally adding: “The decisive thing is that you always toast when you’re feeling good”. Previously, Nehammer had explained that one had to “recognize the enemy”, so to speak: “This is price increases, this is inflation, this is the absurdly high level of energy costs. And we have to take the measures in such a way that we don’t drive inflation, but try to suppress it together in the European Union.” This is “anything but easy”.

“Classic oath of disclosure”

Nehammer’s comments, “according to which the current challenges can only be overcome with either ‘alcohol or psychotropic drugs’, are a classic oath of disclosure and reflect the complete failure of the government on the one hand and the total overwhelm with the overall situation on the other hand”, criticized General Secretary Michael Schnedlitz in a broadcast. He “doesn’t want us to continue like this anyway,” was the reaction of SPÖ vice club boss Jörg Leichtfried, who also called for new elections via Titter.

According to the Kronen Zeitung, however, Nehammer’s office said that even if the wording was flippant, you wanted to convey confidence.

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