Cuban child with cancer needs medicine to finish treatment

The Cuban boy’s family David Ayon Mendeza resident of Ciego de Ávila, asked for help to obtain Temozolomide, a drug used to treat cancerous brain tumors such as medulloblastoma.

“I’m desperate, she’s already lost sight in one eye,” she told CyberCuba through a telephone conversation Belkis Lazara Mendezthe mother of the minor.

The young Cuban explained that the boy, 10 years oldwas diagnosed only eight months ago and they performed a surgical intervention, which allowed 50% of the tumor to be removed, but the rest had to receive treatment with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

“Everything was fine, but missing three sessions he had a bad reaction to the serum and everything had to be stopped. The doctors told me that if he takes these pills he will be able to improve,” Méndez argued.

The treatment was received at the “Eduardo Agramonte Piña” Provincial Pediatric Hospital, in Camagüey, but Since there is no medicine, they were sent home.

I hope God intervenes and someone helps me. It is very sad to go through this situation. I just hope the medicine appears soon,” said the minor’s mother.

Méndez says that several friends and acquaintances have contacted her and are interested in helping, but the medicine is very expensive abroad and that is why it has become so difficult to acquire it.

“I don’t lose hope, I hope all this happens soon,” he lamented.

People who wish to contact Belkis Lázara Méndez, can write or call her on the phone +5352393973in order to manage any type of help.

CyberCuba tried to contact the pediatric hospital, but until the time of writing this note we had not received a response

Temozolomide, sold under the brand name Temodar among others, is a drug used to treat some brain tumors, such as glioblastoma multiforme or anaplastic astrocytoma. It is taken orally or by intravenous infusion.

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