Cuban coyotes and migrants arrested in Mexico

Mexican security agents arrested three coyotes this Friday who were transporting Cuban migrants in vans. Of the total of 30 undocumented immigrants, 28 are from the Island, and the remaining two from Sri Lanka. The arrest took place in the state of Nuevo León.

The vehicles in which the migrants were packed were found in the parking lot of a shopping center in the municipality of Escobedo, near the border with Texas. Late at night, police officers spotted two white vans with license plates from the state of Coahuila and Mexico City. Near them was a rental car with Nuevo Leon license plates.

A statement from the Secretary of Citizen Security of Escobedo offers other details.

“The officers observed that some people were on board the vans and others quickly got into the taxi, in which they would presumably be transferred to safe houses in Saltillo.”

Members of the municipal Citizen Security Secretariat then proceeded to arrest the human traffickers. The migrants are in the custody of the corresponding authorities. It transpired that 16 are women, 11 are men, and there are three girls from 5 to 7 years old.

More Cuban Migrants Detained in Puebla

The arrests of Cubans in Mexico are not limited to a single place, since 102 migrants from the island were intercepted in the state of Puebla, along with 78 of other nationalities. The undocumented immigrants were in a transit hotel, waiting to continue their journey north.

The hotel is named Villa Guadalupe, and is located on Xocanatepec Boulevard. The detainees are in the immigration station in Puebla.

Arrests in Puebla are frequent, since that state is at a kind of intersection to continue towards the border with the United States. From there several routes are established, which take through Coahuila, Nuevo León or Tamaulipas.

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