Curry Leaves for Diabetes: Natural Treatment and Benefits

2024-04-10 02:45:00

The curry tree is a tropical/sub-tropical tree native to the Indian Gulf. This tree is known for its ability to add flavor to dishes and is mainly used in South Indian and international cuisines.

Curry, known by the scientific name Murraya koenigii, belongs to the Rutaceae family. Curry leaves are also used in alternative medicine due to their therapeutic benefits.

Recent studies have shown that consuming curry leaves helps in controlling diabetes. So how do curry leaves help control diabetes?

Curry leaves contain essential minerals such as iron, copper and zinc that help maintain normal blood glucose levels. With recent studies indicating the effectiveness of curry in controlling sugar, it can be said that this plant can be a natural alternative for people with diabetes.

Curry leaves help in controlling diabetes by regulating the digestion of carbohydrates. When you eat curry leaves, your liver and kidneys function normally, making it easier to digest carbohydrates. Curry leaves are also known for their ability to reduce the stress on pancreatic cells due to free radicals that cause damage and cell death. Pancreatic cells play a major role in insulin production and are therefore linked to diabetes.

Benefits of curry leaves in diabetes.

Obesity is known to be a major factor in raising blood sugar levels. In order to combat this disease, it is recommended to include curry leaves in a diabetic’s diet. Curry leaves have the ability to lose weight, and thus help control sugar levels better.

How to include curry leaves in a diabetic’s diet?

Curry leaves can be included in daily meals by roasting them and adding them to regular meals. Curry leaves can also be chewed to benefit from their benefits. To fight diabetes, you should consume 6 to 8 leaves every day, preferably in the morning. Curry can also be consumed to prevent diabetes if it is hereditary in the family, as it is recommended to chew 10 leaves in the morning to avoid developing the disease.

If obesity is the reason for developing diabetes, it is recommended to chew 6 to 8 leaves to help lose weight. Of course, it can be seen that curry leaves are not very appetizing on their own, and you may feel displeased when chewing them due to their sour taste.

If you don’t feel comfortable chewing it, you can add it to churned milk or add a few leaves in lemon juice to soften that sour flavour.

Use of curry leaves for diabetics

Curry leaves are natural foods that contribute to lowering blood sugar levels, and are considered a healthy alternative to antidiabetic medications. Therefore, diabetics can benefit from the benefits of curry leaves in their treatment and improve their overall health condition.

Benefits of curry leaves for diabetics:

It helps in losing weight and combating obesity, which is a major factor in high blood sugar levels. It improves the body’s ability to use insulin and stimulates its production, which helps in regulating sugar levels.

It contains natural compounds that act as antioxidants, thus contributing to protection against diabetes complications

Improves cardiovascular health and reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. Enhances the immune system and strengthens the body in fighting infections and diseases.


Consuming curry leaves is an important part of a diabetic’s diet, as it contributes to improving blood sugar levels and combating obesity. Thanks to its many health benefits, diabetics can benefit from curry leaves in their treatment and improve their overall health condition.

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