Dare you say no?Lukashenko publicly “violates the map of Ukraine” Belarusian officers are embarrassed

Belarusian President Lukashenko: Retrieved from Tadeusz Giczan’s Twitter

[新頭殼newtalk] Russia has comprehensively invaded Ukraine and made a large-scale invasion through the border between Belarus and Ukraine, but Belarus has always claimed to the outside world that it has not joined the war. However, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko directly displayed a map of Russia’s plan to invade Ukraine at the National Security Council, which made the Belarusian officers present look embarrassed.

Belarusian journalist Tadeusz Giczan shared a picture of Lukashenko at the National Security Conference. Lukashenko used a map to illustrate the Russian offensive in Ukraine. The map divides Ukraine into four major regions. “During today’s national security meeting, Lukashenko presented a map that looked like an actual invasion, which also showed Ukrainian military installations destroyed by Belarusian missiles, and the direction of the military’s attack,” he said.

According to the “Business Insider” report, Lukashenko pointed directly to a certain point on the map and told all the military executives present at the meeting, “Russia’s Iskander missile system is deployed here against Right?” a high-ranking official outside the live broadcast screen responded, in Mazyr.

The map released by Lukashenko at the National Security Council clearly shows with red arrows how the Russian army and Belarus penetrated into Ukraine, besieged the capital Kyiv, and reached the Ukrainian national center from the east and in many directions to the Niepro River.

However, when Lukashenko explained the deployment of the Russian army and the situation in Ukraine through a map, a Belarusian officer who stood up to answer Lukashenko’s question was embarrassed.

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白俄羅斯 軍官 面 有 難色 圖: 翻 攝 自 Tadeusz Giczan 推 特

A picture of a Belarusian officer with a difficult face: Retrieved from Tadeusz Giczan’s Twitter

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