David Goffin disposes of Jiri Lehecka in four sets and goes to the second round

The start of the second set is more complicated for Goffin who finds himself trailing 0-30 on his first service game at 0-1. The Belgian relies on two good firsts to recover to 30-30. He can then count on a big foul on the fly from Lehecka to afford a 1-1 ball which he converts on a new foul from his opponent.

And then it was the Belgian’s turn to put pressure on his opponent by leading 0-30. But here too the Czech takes out two good firsts to come back to 30-30. Aggressive, the Liégeois offers himself a break point which he converts on a backhand from Lehecka which remains in the net.

In the next game, Goffin is again down 0-30 on his serve but this time he fails to pick up and has to save two break points. The first is saved but on the second, the Czech pulls out a magnificent backhand passing to recover at 2-2.

The games are much more contested in this second round and David Goffin shows solidity to keep his face-offs, even if his first ball is too often lacking.

Led 4-5, David Goffin must serve to stay in the second set. The Liégeois once again finds himself trailing 0-30 then 15-40 on a setback which he suffers and sends into the net. Goffin commits a new fault, this time in blow and offers the second set to his opponent, 4-6.

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