Decline in Viewership Reported as Facebook Gaming Shows Green Numbers » Hero Network

Twitch has always been presented as the biggest when it comes to video game streaming. Behind we have been able to see others like YouTube Gaming. However, in recent months, the Amazon platform does not seem to be going through good times since, after changes in policies, many streamers have decided to move away from their channels and even the largest have left doubts about moving platforms. This has caused the average audience of Twitch to drop considerably, while in “the ugly duckling” of these, Facebook Gaming, it is rising.

Facebook Gaming in the green while Twitch is in trouble

These numbers were released thanks to a report by who shared the results of State of the Stream, made by and Streamelements. It is here that we were able to learn that during June the average viewers of Twitch fell considerably after a negative trend was noted in recent months. We are talking about a decrease of 6% compared to last month. It was the “Just Chatting” category that recorded the biggest drops in audience while other categories such as VALORANT and Minecraft were in the green.

What surprised many is that Facebook Gaming took advantage of this decline in Twitch and showed positive numbers as it registered a 21% increase in its hours viewed compared to last month. However, the attribution of these positive results is not only due to the problems that the Amazon platform is having, but also to the correct decisions they made, such as creating a space to talk about video games.

It will be interesting to see how this fight and competition between the platforms continues, especially if one of them finally dethrones Twitch as the leader in all video game streaming.

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