Delicious and practical: Cauliflower recipe with minced meat

CauliflowerAlthough it is generally known as a winter vegetable, it is actually harvested in autumn and spring and takes its place on the counters. Rich in phosphorus and vitamins cauliflowerIt is a plant used as a vegetable belonging to the cruciferous family.

Cauliflower dish with minced meat, cauliflowerIt is a dish that even people who do not eat it will enjoy. In order not to lose the vitamins and minerals it contains cauliflower dishYou should not cook it too much. cauliflower dish If you want, you can cook it by adding it to the food without boiling it, or if you are uncomfortable with that sharp smell, you can cook it by removing the smell by boiling it from the front as we mentioned below.

Cauliflower Meat

How many servings: 4 Persons Preparation time: 20 Minutes Cooking time: 35 Minutes


  • half cauliflower,
  • 1 diced onion,
  • 2 cloves of garlic,
  • 5 tablespoons of olive oil,
  • 100 grams of ground beef,
  • 1 tablespoon of tomato paste,
  • Juice of 1 slice of lemon and half a lemon,
  • Salt, pepper, cayenne pepper,
  • 3-4 tablespoons of vinegar,
  • Hot water


  • Cut off the branches of cauliflower one by one and wash them under running water.
  • Put the cauliflowers you have washed in a bowl, add 3-4 tablespoons of vinegar and leave for 7-8 minutes.
  • Put water in a deep pot and let it boil on the stove.
  • When the water boils, squeeze the juice of half a lemon so that the cauliflower does not turn black, and then add a teaspoon of salt.
  • Put the cauliflower in boiling water and let it sit for about a minute. This time will be sufficient as the food will also be cooked in it.
  • Take the boiled cauliflower in a strainer and set aside.
  • Put the cooking pot on the stove, add the olive oil and onion and fry until the onions turn colour.
  • After the onions have discolored, add the minced meat and fry it well until the minced meat releases its juice and absorbs it again.
  • Add the garlic close to the roasting of the ground beef.
  • After the minced meat is well roasted, add the tomato paste and fry it until the smell comes out.
  • Add a glass of hot water to the tomato paste sauce, then add the cauliflower and mix it for a couple of turns without crushing it too much.
  • Add hot water again so that it does not go over the cauliflower.
  • Add spices according to your taste and a piece of lemon into it and cook it on medium heat until it boils.
  • Lower the bottom of the dish that starts to boil, close the lid halfway, and cook until the cauliflower softens.
  • After the food is cooked, take the lemon you put in it with the help of a spoon and work. cauliflower dishYour is ready.

Enjoy your meal!


Elif Kocali – Seo Content Editor


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