Dentist Suspended Sentence Case: La Louvière Scandal Uncovered

2023-11-19 12:02:00

Sentenced to a 12-month suspended prison sentence at first instance for having kissed a patient and attempting to kiss another, a dentist from La Louvière benefited from the simple suspension of the sentencing for a period of three years old, Friday, before the court of appeal.

The dentist was the subject of two complaints filed by two patients. One said he kissed her. The other mentioned an attempt.

Classified without further action

On September 3, 2021, a young woman presented herself at a dental service in La Louvière. She is treated by a dentist who compliments her on her beauty. A few minutes later, she presents herself, in a state of shock, in front of the two medical secretaries and demands to see the head of the office. She claims the dentist tried to kiss her. This one is about a misunderstanding. The young woman calls her mother to ask her to call the police. A patrol takes his statement and questions the dentist, who disputes the facts. The case is closed without further action.

A massage

Three months later, on December 30, another young woman presented to the same dental office for urgent care. As her regular dentist is not available, the defendant takes charge of her. He gives her confidence, compliments her on her eyes, her mouth. “He offered her a massage to relax her jaw, she accepted. Then he took off his mask and gloves and gave her a deep kiss on the mouth. She pushed him away,” said the young woman’s lawyer.

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On December 30, the police arrested the dentist in front of his colleagues and patients.

The dentist disputed the facts. “He does not admit what he did, something more aggressive than a little kiss,” the attorney general said on appeal. “On two occasions he abused his dominant position, it was a surprise.”

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