“Destiny 2 Devs Discuss Balance Changes and Season 21 Updates in Latest News”

2023-05-18 13:36:31

It seems there is no shortage of news around Destiny 2The next season of The Deep, which is set to be released on May 23. However, more information on the balanced side of things is constantly trickling in, sometimes even through unofficial channels from the developers themselves.

While Bungie may have a Destiny 2 The controversy to come in Season 21 It’s not all bad news. The studio recently gave a comprehensive overview of all the upcoming weapon mods and alien changes, and the community has been fairly receptive to most of them, but there seems to be a lot to go.

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In particular, Destiny 2 Senior Designers Chris Proctor and Rodney Thompson spoke to the hosts of Destiny Massive Breakdowns, a community service and podcast specifically dedicated to discussing and breaking down all the various balancing changes in the live version of the game. The developers chatted with the staff for an hour and a half, which allowed them to cover many different topics. Some of the highlights include Bungie’s difficulties in polishing sniper rifles in PvE content, with the developers claiming it’s really easy to overdo it. They also revealed an entirely new missile launcher feature, the Bipod, though they didn’t elaborate on its implications.

Bungie devs has also looked into the possibility of this Destiny 2Last Wish gear may finally be updated. Of course, neither of them were willing to say publicly if this would actually happen in Season 21, but Proctor has hinted that there will be something new in this regard. However, implementing the new Bipod feature so that it drops onto the Apex Predator raid missile launcher would definitely make things interesting.

Where there are huge changes in Destiny 2Power Level System scheduled for Season 21 It’s almost impossible to say what the game might look like in a few weeks. However, seasoned gamers should have a lot to look forward to, considering all the information Bungie has provided recently.

There are leaks to consider too, albeit with a handful of salt. One of the strangest leaks published to date claims this Destiny 2 Fishing is getting to go with the depths season, for example. There’s no telling if that’s true or not, of course, but the good news is that Season 21 will start very soon, showing which leaks were true and which were false all along.

Destiny 2 Available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Destiny 2’s deep feature season one is a controversy waiting to happen

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