Details on the 3 Conditions Outlined by Real Estate Registry Missions for Registering Lands and Property

Books ‘ Ibrahim Qassem wrote an article on real estate registration amendments under Law No. 9 of 2022. The law simplifies the steps for real estate registration for those who meet the conditions, such as having a final or customary contract and proof of possession for a specified period. The registration process involves submitting an application with required documents and fees to the Notary Public Office, receiving a receipt, and receiving a message from the Tax Office within 24 hours. The Tax Office publishes an announcement of the property registration in a newspaper and allows for objections within ten days. A specialized committee then decides whether to accept or reject the application.

Books ‘ Ibrahim Qassem

Tuesday, April 11, 2023 02:00 AM

On May 7 of last year I started errands Real estate month And documentation at the level of the Republic in receiving citizens wishing to register their real estate and lands who meet the conditions set by the law.

According to Law No. 9 of 2022 regarding real estate registration amendments, real estate may be registered for those who meet these conditions, namely:

1- Who has a final contract.

2- Those who have a customary contract and a document proving possession for a period of 5 years, in good faith.

3- Confiscation and a document proving possession for 15 years in good faith.

The new law shortened the steps for real estate registration in the real estate registry, which included:

1- Go to the Notary Public Office in which the property subject to registration is held.

2- Submitting the application on the form prepared for that, attaching the required documents, paying fees and administrative expenses, and receiving a receipt with an incoming number.

3- Within 24 hours, you will receive a message on the phone registered with the Tax Office stating the following:

– Recording the application in the priority book in the event that the application fulfills the required papers

Not registering the application if the required papers are not completed

– Postponement of examining the application if it is found that there is a previous application for it until the final decision on the application that precedes it.

4- The Tax Office publishes, within 5 days from the date of submission of the application, at the expense of the student, in one of the daily newspapers, an announcement of the registration of the property and its data.

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– Al-Ahram Newspaper “Giza, Fayoum, Beni Suef, Minya, Assiut, Sohag, Qena, Luxor and Aswan”

– Al-Akhbar newspaper “Cairo, Qalyubia, Menoufia, Dakahlia, Damietta, North and South Sinai, the Red Sea and the Eastern”

Al-Gomhoria newspaper “Alexandria, Gharbia, Beheira, Kafr El-Sheikh, Marsa Matrouh, Suez, Ismailia, Port Said and the New Valley”

5- The right to object to the Tax Office within 10 days from the date of publication

6- The tax office performs the inspection to verify the position of the hand or to verify the fact of acquiring ownership, depending on the circumstances

7- The Tax Office expresses its opinion on the application and then submits it to the office, within a period not exceeding 23 days from the date of its submission.

8- Submitting the application, its attachments, and the objections submitted in this regard to a specialized committee that issues a reasoned decision of acceptance or rejection.

In conclusion, the new amendments to the real estate registration law have made the process much simpler and faster for those who meet the required conditions. With the reduced steps and the use of modern technology, citizens can now register their real estate and lands in a much more efficient manner. It is important for everyone to stay up to date with the latest laws and regulations in order to avoid any legal issues. Let us hope that the future will bring even more advancements that will benefit society as a whole.

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