Developments in the health of the artist, Farah Al-Hadi, after suffering from a rare skin disease

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The Kuwaiti artist and fashionista, Farah Al-Hadi, revealed the details of her health condition and its developments, especially after she revealed in the last period that she was exposed to an allergy that caused her to stay away from social media and her work for weeks.

Recently, the fascist Farah Al-Hadi surprised the audience by publishing a new video clip of her on her personal page on the social networking site, in which she revealed that she had an incurable disease.

Farah Al-Hadi announced, through the video she posted, that she has a disease psoriasistouching on her talk about the symptoms that appeared on her body.

And the pages concerned with art and celebrity news republished the video clip, which was widely circulated on social media, with comments wishing her safety and recovery.

Farah Al-Hadi has psoriasis:

Kuwaiti artist Farah Al-Hadi revealed a strange skin disease she suffers from, by publishing pictures of him on her personal Snapchat page.

Farah Al-Hadi explained that she has psoriasis and revealed the symptoms that appeared on her hands, including crust, redness and water flowing from her body.

Farah said that this is not the first time that she has been exposed to this, as she had previously experienced swelling in her face, and said that she had expected that the cause was an allergy, but it was not.

And days before she announced her psoriasis, the Kuwaiti fascista was shocked Farah Al-Hadi, the audience, after she appeared with a very swollen face through a video of her on her personal account on the Snapchat application.

and appeared joy Al-Hadi, at the beginning of the video, tries to hide her face with her hand because of its swelling, but she decided to reveal it after asking the audience about the reason for her disappearance.

She explained that she was surprised by the swelling of her face since she woke up, saying: “Today I am not hidden and I do not know what will happen to me, but I woke up and my face was swollen.”

Farah Al-Hadi’s health status developments:

Farah Al-Hadi posted, through her account on “Snapchat”, a video in which she talked about her recent health crisis, and confirmed that they had finally discovered the skin disease that afflicted her and that it is not an allergy as it was initially diagnosed, and the Kuwaiti fashinista explained that she suffers from a rare skin disease that affects only 3% of the world’s population. She pointed out that the attending physician saw only one case throughout her medical career.

Farah Al-Hadi said: “Praise be to God, we finally got to know the details of this disease after long weeks of suffering and weeks. It is a rare skin disease that affects 3% of the world’s population. The doctor who treats me from it has seen only one case that she passed throughout her life.”

Farah Al-Hadi also confirmed that this disease is immune, as the body’s immunity fights the skin and it is not contagious, and so far the causes that lead to infection have not been revealed, as it is not hereditary, and the Kuwaiti fashinista clarified that the symptoms that she contracted appeared weeks ago, and they are continuous itching. She confirmed that she had become accustomed to it, and indicated that she would start undergoing treatment for this rare disease during the coming period, and that she had refused some types of treatments, including “light radiation.”

Aqil Al-Raisi, the husband of the Kuwaiti artist, was also keen to support his wife by publishing many romantic clips that brought them together through his account on “Instagram”, and the duo appeared in a state of clear harmony in a festive atmosphere, which some considered great support from Aqil Al-Raisi for his wife, the artist and the fashionista in her health crisis.

It is noteworthy that Farah Al-Hadi and Aqil Al-Raisi got married at the end of 2017, and since then an atmosphere of love has prevailed between them, and they have many occasions. And last year 2021, Kuwaiti artist Farah Al-Hadi celebrated the 29th birthday of her husband, Aqil Al-Raisi, in a very romantic and striking way.

And publication Farah Al Hadi A video in which she documented the celebration through her personal account on Snapchat, in which many surprises that she prepared for her husband, Aqil Al-Raisi, appeared.

And in the video, she appeared Farah Al-Hadi and her husband, Aqil Al-Raisi In identical black and white outfits, as well as home decorations and decorations inspired by the two colors.

Together, the two were involved in the famous money laundering case, known in the media as “”Celebrity money laundering caseThe Kuwaiti Public Prosecutor decided recently to lift the custody of the funds and accounts of 5 famous social media sites involved in a new development for the last stages of the famous case, including Meshary Bouyabes, Fouz Al-Fahd, Jamal Al-Najada, Maryam Reda, Halima Boland and Farah Al-Hadi.

The psoriasis that Farah Al-Hadi suffered from:

Psoriasis is a common skin disease that affects the life cycle of skin cells. When infected, cells build up on the surface of the skin quickly to form thick silvery scales and itchy, dry, red, sometimes painful layers.

Psoriasis is a stubborn disease that lasts for a long time. There are periods when psoriasis symptoms improve and ease, while psoriasis becomes more severe in other periods. For some patients, psoriasis is no more than a nuisance, while for others, it can cause disabling, especially when it is associated with arthritis.

There is no cure for psoriasis, but treating psoriasis can bring significant improvement, and lifestyle measures such as cortisone ointment and moderate, controlled exposure to natural sunlight can improve psoriasis symptoms.

Psoriasis is caused by a cause related to the immune system, specifically a specific type of white blood cell called T lymphocytes.

Normally, these cells travel throughout the body to find foreign substances, such as: bacteria and viruses, but in patients with psoriasis, these lymphocytes mistakenly attack healthy skin cells.

Overactive T lymphocytes provoke various reactions in the immune system, such as: dilation of blood vessels around the layers of the skin, and an increase in the amounts of other blood cells that can penetrate the skin.

As a result of these changes, the body produces more healthy skin cells and more T lymphocytes and other white blood cells, and as a result, new skin cells reach the outer layer of the skin very quickly in a few days instead of weeks as they normally would.

But dead skin cells and white blood cells cannot shed quickly, so they accumulate in the form of thick crusty layers on the surface of the skin, this process can often be stopped by treatment.

It’s not clear exactly what causes the disruption in T-lymphocyte activity in patients with psoriasis, and researchers believe that both genetics and environmental factors play a role.

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