Did you know that this emoji is hateful?!..here’s the reason!

It is no longer a secret to anyone about the importance of emojis in our lives, especially since social media applications have become present in every detail.

However, many of them are still vague, and some may use them in the wrong place.

Slut codes?!

The thumb sign, for example, may be rejected by many, because it usually indicates an attempt to end the dialogue between people, but in a nice way, that is, it is a “compliment style”, yet it is one of the most used symbols.

According to a recent study, it was found that the new generation, or what is known as “Gen Zers”, that is, the age of their twenties, hates the popular emojis for admiration.

And it turned out that this category sees these symbols as “rude” and “hostile”, and even more than that, they see those who send them as an offensive weapon.

lovable icons

In addition, a recent study by Adobe surveyed 5,000 emoji users from the United States, ranking the results as the heart-shaped kiss, the shy smile surrounded by hearts, and the heart-eyes icon as the top 3 “makes you more likable” emoji.

And the study emphasized that emojis are a great way to mitigate potential misunderstandings, because a quick smiley face at the end of your message can go a long way from serious, tense conversations.

She also confirmed that using the correct emoji, especially in the workplace, positively affects the extent of admiration (69%) and credibility (59%), but when used incorrectly, it may lead to some uncomfortable situations, according to a report For the New York Post.

She explained that meaning only arises in the context of communicating with others, where emojis can mean whatever you want and mean.

Misunderstood or hated

The most misunderstood emoji at the moment is the smiley wearing a cowboy hat.

Emoji - Istock

Emoji – Istock

While there are symbols that make you less likable, among them is the pile of poo and this is especially true for women, and the angry yellow face with furrowed eyebrows.

It is mentioned that emojis, or what is known as “Emojis”, can be a great way to help you convey a message, but it is very important to just make sure that it is the message you intended to send and that your intention is not understood in another way.

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