Did you know: the quality of your vision is linked to the color of your eyes

2024-03-14 16:09:56

Being interested in eye color is not such a trivial subject. Moreover, some even argue that the eyes provide information on general health.

What eye color has the best vision?

We are not all equal when it comes to seeing well. And some might even benefit from Mother Nature. A British scientific study looked at the link between eye color and night vision. What comes out of it? Whether we have blue eyes, green eyes, brown eyes, black eyes, gray eyes or others, we wouldn’t all see as well when it’s dark! Those who are doing well? Blue eyes ! According to Dr. Kyoko Yamaguchi’s team, have blue eyes would guarantee a better view when the light is lower! Is there a scientific explanation for this observation? For researchers, blue eyes, like fair skin and blond hair, could be the result of an adaptation to a climate with little sunlight. Which would also explain why there are more people with blue eyes in Northern European countries where there is less sunlight.

What eye color says about health

This is not the first study to look at what the color of our eyes says about our health. A few years ago, a study conducted by the University of Pittsburgh made the link between cancer and iris color.

Clear eyes (blues, greens, grays…)

Although they allow you to see better at night, blue eyes would not always be a blessing. People with light-colored eyes (blue, green, gray, etc.) are at greater risk of developing ocular melanoma (the most common eye cancer) or skin cancer. A theory confirmed by research from the Institut Curie, which suggests that people with blue, green or gray eyes are 2 to 3 times more likely to suffer from uveal melanoma than people with brown eyes. This is because people with lighter eyes, hair and skin have less melanin, which is a substance that helps protect the skin from ultraviolet rays.

Dark eyes (black, brown, etc.)

People with dark eyes (black, brown, etc.) would be less resistant to pain and would be more likely to fall into depression or suffer from anxiety…

The most beautiful eye color

As for deciding the thorny question of the most beautiful eye color ? Difficult to give an objective answer! Dozens and dozens of researches have provided (very) varied results. According to the results of a study carried out for a British prescription lens seller:

among women, the most popular eye color is hazel (20.19%). Among men, the iris color considered most attractive is blue (21.97%), just ahead of brown (27 .17%).

But another survey shows that green eyes are the most attractive (20.3%)… the rarest iris color in the world!

Read also

Seeing well, eye health under the microscope What makeup for what eye color?

[Dossier] Seeing well, eye health under the microscope – 18 articles to consult

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