Dieting during Ramadan – tips to follow

02:51 PM

Friday, March 31, 2023

Books – Muhammad Amin

Many people want to lose as much excess weight as possible during the holy month of Ramadan, taking advantage of stopping food and drink during fasting hours, by following a healthy diet.

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In the following lines, the “Consulto” shows the extent of the possibility of exposure to health risks when following a diet during the holy month of Ramadan.

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Tips to be followed regarding dieting in Ramadan

Dr. Marwa Mohamed, a clinical nutritionist, explained that the month of Ramadan is an opportunity to lose fat and excess weight, because the number of hours of eating is few, when adhering to the correct diet, so whoever wants to lose excess weight in Ramadan must do the following:

– Breakfast on a glass of lukewarm water.

Eat a date or 3 fruits.

– Eat a plate of warm soup, provided it is not hot so as not to cause stomach shock.

– Performing Maghrib prayer, then returning to the meal.

Eat a plate of vegetable salad.

Eat animal or vegetable protein.

– Stay away from starches.

And Muhammad stressed the importance of eating a quantity of food that fills a third of the stomach, to avoid the occurrence of acidity, bloating and indigestion after fasting, taking into account the abundance of drinking water in the hours of breakfast from sunset to suhoor, ranging from 2 to 3 liters, and when feeling hungry between Iftar and suhoor, it is preferable to eat a fruit, such as an apple.

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The healthy suhoor for dieters

And when the time for the suhoor meal comes for those who follow a healthy diet, to lose as much fat and excess weight as possible, the therapeutic dietitian said that they should:

– Eat slices of saturated bread, made from apostasy, not white flour.

Eat yogurt.

Eat cottage cheese.

– Eat a plate of green salad, because it is rich in fiber that increases the feeling of satiety.

– Hard-boiled eggs.

And the clinical nutritionist advised that whoever experiences any symptoms of fatigue or exhaustion during the month of Ramadan from following any diet should go to the specialized doctor, to conduct possible analyzes to check on his health.

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