Digital Economy Blog – A Chinese balloon shot down in the United States!

Diplomatic relations between the United States and China certainly did not need yet another crisis with what happened at the beginning of February. The Americans accuse the Chinese of spying on them using balloons and the Chinese accuse the blow by defending themselves from an error in the trajectory of their flying machine.

It was on February 2 that this “spy balloon crisis” begin. The American and Canadian defenses have indeed spotted a surveillance balloon flying over North American airspace. The latter was followed closely by the intelligence and defense of both countries.

According to the pentagon, the balloon flew over Alaska on January 28 before entering Canadian territory on the 30th and finally returning to the United States on the 31st. it was on February 4 that the US government decided to shoot down the surveillance ballooncurrently lying off the coast of North Carolina.

This choice to shoot it down at this precise location is not insignificant, it was decided to minimize the risk of falling debris on American soil, the risk being less over the Atlantic.

This diplomatic episode between the two world powers will certainly not fix the already particularly tense relations they maintain. Different arguments are put forward to try to explain what happened in the space of a few days.

On the United States side, there is no doubt that the Chinese government’s objective is clearly to lead ado surveillance and spy mission within the United States itself. This is what a senior American official said in the following statement: “The Chinese balloon was clearly made for spy observation purposes, and does not fit with weather balloon equipment.”

This is the Chinese argument that this American official is trying to destroy. Indeed, the Chinese government denies the use of these balloons by pointing out their usefulness for meteorological studies. An unconvincing argument for the Western world and particularly for the United States, which is very vigilant about relations with the Chinese.

This is not the only flying machine that has been seen in recent weeks. In effect, the US military communicated on the elimination of three flying “objects”. The first was shot down on February 10 in northern Alaska, the second on February 11 at the border between Canada and Alaska and finally a third on February 12 above Michigan.

The American defense is therefore under maximum alert in this month of February with the multiplication of these unidentified flying machines and which could potentially be a threat to the security of the country.


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