Discomfort for a light work that does not advance in Bariloche

2023-05-28 11:35:01

The families of the 29 de Septiembre neighborhood in Bariloche were excited last year, when it was officially announced that the funds to build the power line in that sector were insured. What’s more, until the work was awarded and the contract was signed with the company Agrovial. Many residents of the neighborhood imagined that the electricity service would be regularized before this winter. But the work is not progressing.

The referent of the neighborhood Patricia Millalonco expressed her dissatisfaction because the work continues around the corner. She said that on Tuesday she had a meeting with the president and vice president of the Municipal Land and Housing Institute, Paula Meira and Nicolás Pedernera, on the issue of power lines.

They came out with the fact that the laying still cannot be done because it is necessary to delimit the eighths and the 2 meters of the sidewalks of each block”, said Millalonco, annoyed.

He affirmed that the surveyor who worked on the delimitation of the lots to regularize the neighborhood left the sidewalks and ochavas delimited. “It’s a joke what they pose”, he ironized.

He recalled that Nation contributed 39 million pesos last year for the execution of the laying, but they only installed 14 pillars, in a sector of the neighborhood.

In the meeting there were also representatives of the Agrovial company. “They tell us that the CEB does not give them the end of the work because we have not delimited the sidewalks and the ochavas, when we have been working on the measurements since the time of the surveyor Bonini. That’s why the land is already all marked out”, replied the neighborhood reference.

“They have already delivered the 39 million pesos and where is the work? There are only the pillars that they put in last January,” she pointed out. She recalled that there are 538 families that expect to access the electricity service on a regular basis. “It’s a shame that now we get away with this“, he claimed.

Municipal Executive sources only commented that there were observations to the construction project by the CEB, but that they were waiting to find out what they were. And they ruled out that the work is paralyzed.
Millalonco said that the fear is that time passes and the resources assigned to the work are not there or not enough.

At the end of January 2022, the municipal government announced the signing of the contract with Agrovial and stressed that it was a historical event.

He communicated that in a couple of weeks the execution of the project of the electrical energy network, connections and home installations, regulatory boards and lighting on public roads with the Led system for September 29 began. The execution period was 210 days from the act of commencement of work.

“I am moved by these results, because they are the result of joint work between the neighbors, the municipality and the Nation, to achieve the arrival of a fundamental service, which also means that many families stop living at risk due to unsafe facilities,” said the mayor Gustavo Gennuso on that occasion.

In March of last year, the signing of the agreement was announced, which assigned 39 million pesos from the Nation to the municipality to finance the work.

Families in the neighborhood have electricity from community panels, which in winter collapse due to increased demand, because many families use electrical appliances to heat their homes due to the lack of natural gas.

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#Discomfort #light #work #advance #Bariloche

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