Discover the Largest Snake in the World: The Northern Green Anaconda of South America

2024-02-22 22:28:35


South America has a great biodiversity of flora and fauna. Many of the animals found here do not exist in other countries or regions, such as the northern green anaconda, a species of snake that was cataloged this month as the largest in the world. The biologist and public figure Freek Vonk dived with one of them in a lake in Brazil. Its dimensions left him stunned.

By: The Nation

As Vonk described, the anaconda was nine meters long and weighed about 200 kilos, making it one of the largest varieties. Thanks to his discovery, he managed to define that there is a subspecies of the famous giant anaconda that has other characteristics.

In the journal MDPI Diversity he explained this finding in the February issue, with an article in which other scientists who studied the northern green anaconda participated. Together with 14 specialists from different countries, they determined that so far this would be the largest specimen on Earth.

The biologist warned: “The Amazon region is under severe pressure due to climate change and continued deforestation. More than a fifth of the Amazon has already disappeared, which represents more than 30 times the area of ​​the Netherlands.” It is for this reason that endangered species abandon their habitats for safer places, but these are usually near cities and towns.

You can read the full note at The nation

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