discover the Sorenson Hold, the new star of exercises for the abs and lower back

2023-09-18 15:30:39

This core exercise was developed by the Dr Eric Sorensonan American chiropractor.

In particular, in 1964, he developed the Biering-Sorenson test aimed at assess lower back muscular endurance (according to the results, we could apparently predict the appearance of lower back pain in the patient in the near future).

Today, the exercise continues to grow in popularity among those who wish to strengthen the lower back and posterior chain, particularly with the rise of functional training.

What is the “Sorenson Hold”?

The Sorenson is first of all a isometric exercise (like the plank or the chair on the wall) which consists of maintaining the body in a posture parallel to the ground using a machine.

This machine is the GHD (glute ham developer), elle helps support the legs.

This practice is relatively demanding since it engages a large number of muscles to stabilize the body during exercise, including:

Multifidus (no, it’s not a yogurt, but a muscle responsible for the stability of the spine), Erector muscles of the spine, present along the spine, and which help to straighten and support it, Spinal muscles, latissimus dorsi, glutes, hamstrings and calves to a lesser extent.

In short, the Sorenson is a great way to strengthen the lower back without adding load (unlike a deadlift for example).

It can also be a good indicator of current lower back strength.

Sorenson, classic sheathing, what are the differences?

There are some differences, notably at the level:

Body position: with the Sorenson Hold method, you lie on your stomach, while with the classic core, you hold yourself on your forearms in a plank position; Targeted muscles: while Sorenson mainly targets the muscles of the lower back, classic core training, for its part, rather targets those of the abdominal belt.

The choice of exercises therefore depends on your muscle strengthening objectives and the areas you wish to work, but the two are completely compatible for a complete use of the body.

Adjust the machine so that you are in a supine position (facing the ground), the feet are placed under the rollers of the lower part, while the thighs rest against the pads, Bend your arms in front of your chest and perform a hip flexion in Lean forward while keeping your back straight. Then, raise your upper body to a horizontal position, engaging your lower back muscles to keep your torso parallel to the floor (and in line with your legs). Hold this position for as long as possible or for a specified period of time, then repeat the exercise.

While Dr. Biering’s original test involved holding the position for as long as possible, you should aim more for 3 sets of 60 seconds with impeccable technique.

To make the exercise more challenging, try holding a weight in your arms (or on your upper back like in the video).

Mistakes to avoid

Please note, it is recommended to:

Do not arch your back, it must remain straight; Do not use your neck to go up, it is the back muscles and abdominals that must be engaged; Don’t forget to breathe.

The advantages of Sorenson

This method is full of benefits:

Like all isometric exercises, it promotes body stability and functional movements, which improves sports performance; This is an accessible approach, as it does not require the addition of additional load, while effectively preparing the body for weight training exercises; It helps to strengthen the lower back, which allows you to keep your torso straight, limit injuries and back pain, and have a sporty and harmonious silhouette.

On the disadvantages side, note that you need a dedicated GHD machine, although certain alternative solutions exist (we will see them).

Alternatives to exercise

A back extension bench will be a good substitute, even if the angle is “only” 45 degrees, which will make the exercise easier.

If you don’t have a GHD in your gym, other sports equipment can also serve as a substitute.

The back extension bench: you can work at an angle of 45 degrees which will be simpler while allowing you to work the same muscles; Nordic straps (these for example): they normally attach at the ankles, here you will need to place them around your thighs then lean over the edge of a raised surface, so that your torso is not supported. It also allows you to perform many other muscle strengthening exercises such as Nordic Curl.

And without a machine?

There is a little-known exercise that can do the trick if you really want to work on this movement at home!

We will present it to you in detail very soon… stay tuned!

Updated by Emma on: 09/18/2023

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