DMG-style business promises to earn 20 million in a week; Ecopetrol responds

Ecopetrol takes measures these days on account of a form of fraud in which the company is involved. As described by Ecopetrola people are asking for less than a million pesos and they promise a return of up to 20 million pesos in just one week.

Given the existence of this scam, Ecopetrol clarified the following:

“Ecopetrol learned on March 17, 2022, according to which Colombians have access to the Company’s profits, through an instrument called Bitcoin Ecopetrol, investing $960,000 in cryptocurrency tradingto generate $20,000,000 in profits in a week, does NOT correspond to reality. The aforementioned portal is currently not active.

(See also: They ‘resurrected’ David Murcia Guzmán (DMG): allegedly now offering up to 200% profits)

Ecopetrol launched this alert through its official communication mechanism at the Financial Superintendence. And added that any news relating to the existence of a promoted investment scheme, led, guaranteed and sponsored by Ecopetrol SA through the commercialization of cryptocurrencies or similar schemes is false.

“It does not correspond to truthful information from the Company, it is NOT related to the reality of its role as an issuer in the stock market, nor is it authorized by the law that governs Ecopetrol SA,” the oil company stated.

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