Dmitry Medvedev’s forecast for 2023 – Elon Musk’s reaction, December 2022 – December 27, 2022

In the first place – an increase in the price of oil to $150 per barrel, gas to $5,000 per thousand cubic meters. Also, the Russian politician predicts the return of Great Britain to the EU, and then because of this, the collapse of the European Union and the abolition of the use of the euro.

Also in 2023, Medvedev believes, it is possible for Poland and Hungary to seize the western regions of Ukraine, create the Fourth Reich on the basis of Germany, Poland, the Baltic countries and others, a war between France and the Fourth Reich, which could lead to the division of Europe and a “new division of Poland” .

In addition, Northern Ireland, writes the deputy head of the Security Council, may secede from Britain and join Ireland, and California and Texas may secede from the United States. In the same paragraph, Medvedev predicts Elon Musk’s victory in the US presidential election in some of the states that “are assigned to the Republicans after the civil war.”

The last points of the forecasts concern the financial situation in the world. All major stock exchanges will move from the US and Europe to Asia. In paragraph 10, Medvedev suggests the collapse of the IMF and the World Bank, as well as the abandonment of the euro and the dollar as world reserve currencies.

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