Do soft drinks really help in digestion after eating?

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN)–“Drink a glass of soft drink.” This may be a familiar sentence to many people when someone complains of digestive problems. But how valid is this advice?

This may be a phrase we have heard a lot, whether at a meal with friends, or during family gatherings, but it is not true.

Through its official account on Twitter, the main health awareness platform of the Saudi Ministry of Health, “Live Well”, confirmed that soft drinks do not aid digestion, but rather contain huge amounts of sugar and harmful acids.

Eliminating soft drinks from your diet is a quick way to improve your health and lose weight.

And if you only consume soft drinks a few times a month, you don’t have to worry.

But if you drink more than one can a day, you’re likely to put yourself at risk of developing health conditions including obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

And diet sodas aren’t a healthy alternative, as drinking just one can a day has been linked to an increased risk of stroke and dementia.

And if it’s hard for you to cut back on soft drinks, you can satisfy your sugar cravings with naturally sweet foods like fruit, which contain health-promoting vitamins.

Also, be sure to carry a water bottle with you, or put it near your desk.

This way, you will have water on hand, and may keep you from consuming sugary drinks.

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