Do you feel like you aged overnight?.. Here’s why!

Sweden – Researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden found that disturbed sleep may affect our age and make us feel about 10 years older.

The researchers asked 429 study participants to record their age according to their perception and subjective feeling over a period of 30 days, as well as to report the number of nights in which they felt that they did not get enough sleep.

They found that subjective lifespan (individual discretion) increased by about 2 months and 3 weeks for each additional day of sleep disturbance.

The team then enrolled 182 people in a sleep restriction study, where they were allowed only four hours of sleep per night over two nights, which made the people feel 4.44 years older than those who spent nine hours in bed.

The analysis also revealed that moving from feeling extremely alert to extremely sleepy was associated with feeling ten years older.

“Many people feel younger than their actual age,” the researchers wrote. “While this phenomenon is less prevalent among younger individuals, as we enter our thirties and beyond, the discrepancy between our age and how old we feel becomes more apparent.”

They added: “The study indicates that our sleep habits may play a role in shaping how old we feel. It turns out that feeling younger than our actual age is associated with living longer, with better mental and physical health, and more positive psychological traits. “Sleep regulation is likely a key factor in feeling always young.”

The results were published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Source: Daily Mail

#feel #aged #overnight. #Heres
2024-03-29 01:46:35

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