these fruits are recommended for you!

Fighting Alzheimer’s or memory loss has become a primary mission for scientists. To achieve this, they conducted several studies on food. Especially on the fruits. Indeed, they have the possibility of slow down or even reduce the risk of developing a disease. We tell you everything!

Memory loss: blueberries and their power

The University of North Carolina, in the United States, chose soft fruits for their studies. In the scientific context, it is a fruit capable of fight against oxidation and cell aging. In this mission, a six-month study was carried out on forty patients with a moderate form of Alzheimer’s disease. They divided them into two groups and gave the first a dose of blueberry powder to be ingested once a day. While for the second, they were given a dose of placebo powder, with the same instructions. After the experiment was completed, they were given cognitive tests and memory tests on a daily basis. Results : those who got the blueberries got the best.

“This is the first study of its kind to examine blueberry supplementation in middle-aged people at risk for future health problems and dementia in later life. Importantly, this research provides evidence that blueberry supplementation can improve cognitive function and correct high insulin levels in these participants with prediabetes.”. According to Pr Robert Krikorian, author of the study, in the journal Nutrients.

For the next phase, the effects of blueberry supplementation over the long term on more individuals will be evaluated. Research has therefore found that blueberries had a real impact on the preservation of our cognitive reflexes. All this, thanks to these tests on this fruit rich in antioxidant flavonoids and anthocyanins.

Alzheimer’s: the trio of fruits against the disease

In addition to blueberries, it has also been discovered in recent months that cranberries have similar properties. In fact, in addition to his famous role protector against urinary tract infections, this fruit contains other magical powers. In fact, the latter is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. So he has the ability to prevent brain degeneration. This time, the study was carried out in the University of Norwich, United Kingdom, for three months. The scientists chose sixty healthy adults between the ages of 50 and 80 for testing. These researchers called the results very “encouraging”and said they could do further testing.

This summer, a study conducted in Chicago was brought on strawberries. In fact, we analyzed the diet of almost 600 people who died late with a good mental balance. The objective, to understand what food component would repel the disease. The tests have borne fruit, it is pelargonidin, one of the components of the strawberry rich in Tau protein. This is part proteins transformed during the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. The researchers therefore conclude that eating strawberries (get rich in Tau protein) would prevent the risk of neuro-inflammation. However, it does not protect against the disease, it just slows down its arrival. So watch out!

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