Do you know the Tap Back feature in the iPhone?It’s a pity it can’t be used

Although we often see a lot of teaching about the use of the iPhone, most of them revolve around some functions or features that everyone is more familiar with. In fact, there are still many unknown but super easy-to-use relics in the iPhone. What everyone is talking about is the “back tap” function that has been hidden in the auxiliary function, which is unknown but very practical.

Do you know the Tap Back feature in the iPhone?It’s a pity it can’t be used

There is a very convenient “quick touch” function on Android, you can take screenshots or other custom actions by double-tapping on the back of the phone. Don’t be envious of iPhone users, in fact, this similar function also exists in the iPhone, and there are more options that can be set, but the degree of discussion is too low, there are too few articles mentioning it, and it is hidden in everyone. In the auxiliary functions that are often used. Today, the author is going to teach you how to set up and use it!

How to enable and configure

If your iPhone is iOS 14 or later, or iPhone 8 or later, you can use the back tap feature. In the iPhone’s system default, the back tap function is turned off. If you want to use it, you must first turn it on in the settings.

Why use back tap?

The back tap function is mainly used to allow you to activate the commonly used designated functions on the iPhone faster. For example, you may need to open the camera to shoot at any time, but every time you have to swipe away from the screen and the waiting time is a bit too late to capture Wonderful picture, in this case, you can set it to the corresponding operation of two or three clicks, and later you only need to tap 2 or 3 times on the back of the camera to open the camera. For example, I set two taps on the back to take a screenshot, so that I can quickly take a screenshot when watching a live online video, saving the awkwardness of freeing my hands to press the power button and the volume up button.

In addition to the basic settings, you can also set the back tap together with other auxiliary functions such as a magnifying glass, ensuring that you can turn on or off some auxiliary functions at any time without having to open them layer by layer. Others can also go straight to shortcuts, etc. In addition, if you like to read on the Internet, you can set it to slide down the leaves and other functions, and one hand can be used very well when commuting.

In actual use by the author, the back tap function on the iPhone is better than Android. In addition to more pointing options, the tap sensing area is also larger, and it can work on almost the entire back of the machine, and even if there is a device installed The protective case doesn’t matter either, as it seems to use the motion sensor inside the iPhone to pick up, which is very convenient.

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