Doctors at Wimut Hospital invite you to know the “RSV virus”, a dangerous threat near the baby. flu-like illnesses covid Warn young children at risk of severe symptoms

The most popular diseases of rainy season are inevitable colds and allergies. That may cause many people to worry because they are confused with the COVID-19 disease. Although the current epidemic has begun to ease. But there is another virus that is harmful to the respiratory system. It’s called removing the model from the covid virus. which is known as the RSV virus.

RSV virus, or Respiratory Syncytial Virus, is a virus that can cause respiratory infections in both children and adults. There are two strains: strain A and strain B. It is transmitted through contact with the patient’s secretions such as mucus, saliva, or sputum, both through direct contact and through contact with things. Once infected, there will be an incubation period of 4-6 days or up to 8 days. The symptoms of an infected person are similar to that of a common cold. For adults or older children, symptoms will improve on their own, but the concern is in children under the age of two. Or children and adults with congenital diseases such as chronic lung, asthma, immunodeficiency, heart disease, etc. This virus can spread to the lower respiratory tract in both the bronchi, bronchi and lung tissue, causing pneumonia. When there is an infection in the lower respiratory tract, there may be a high fever. breathless Wheezing and abnormally large amounts of mucus

Dr. Suthida Chintanate, a pediatrician specializing in pediatric respiratory diseases Wimut Hospital explained further that “We found that RSV has a similar epidemic model to COVID-19. So much that they almost took off the same model ever. But what is more worrying is that the RSV virus in secretions can remain on objects for 30 minutes to an hour. Whether it’s on a table, doorknob, handrail, and touching your face with your hand, it’s very easy to get infected.”

The RSV virus is similar to other common colds for which there is no specific treatment. therefore must be treated according to the symptoms If there is a cough, give cough medicine to dissolve phlegm. If there is mucus, give a nasal decongestant. In young children, more severe symptoms may require immediate medical attention. Because children with a lot of phlegm You may need a bronchodilator or saline spray to dissolve the mucus. If a very young child until unable to cough to expel phlegm on its own You may also need to use a mucus and phlegm suction device. to clear the airway to clear up

“At first glance, the RSV virus is not much different from the common cold. But there may be a lot of mucus or secretions that can clog the airway. But another concern about this disease is If it occurs in a young child and develops an infection in the lower respiratory tract, RSV virus can cause ‘lesions’. For example, children who have been infected may develop a condition known as pediatric bronchospasm. The trachea is more sensitive than usual. When infected again in the future, they may have wheezing or need to use bronchodilators repeatedly and as the child grows up, they may develop asthma,” said Dr. Suthida Chintanate.

Although the RSV virus looks worrying But the measures we take to prevent the spread of COVID-19 It also works well for this RSV virus as well. avoid touching things outside the house unnecessarily Maintaining distance or isolation from people with cold-like symptoms to cleaning surfaces that people use often. in order not to become a source of infection. These are still guidelines that we must continue to focus on. Then we will all be safe from RSV virus just as we can get through the severe coronavirus crisis. Those interested in the services of the Pediatric Center For more information, please contact the Pediatric Center, 3rd floor, Wimut Hospital from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Call 02-079-0038 or use the Telemedicine service to consult an online doctor via ViMUT Application, click

Wimut Hospital Located in the heart of the business district near the Saphan Khwai intersection of Bangkok. It is a tertiary care hospital with 236 beds in the form of an 18-storey building designed according to the international standards of the Joint Commission International (JCI), focusing on the treatment of cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, diabetic, bone diseases. Gastrointestinal and liver diseases, including chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs). There are also other medical services such as a geriatric center to meet the needs of an aging society. including taking care of the restoration after the crisis (Transitional Care) to restore the patient’s body after treatment to prepare before going home We offer a one-stop service that covers Health to Home, providing convenience and modernity through the use of the ViMUT Application for personal medical history checks. Book a doctor’s appointment yourself Online consultation from a doctor (Telemedicine) and home delivery of medicines and vaccines (ViMUT Drug delivery)

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