Dollar price falls at today’s close, Friday, February 25

Today, Friday, February 25, the price of dollar closed the week with a downward trend.

The price of the dollar went from S/ 3.80 to S / 3.73 at the interbank levelas reported by the Central Reserve Bank (BCR).

The exchange rate cut the gains of the previous exchange session, falling around 1.60% in the Peruvian market.

With this, the BCR estimates that so far this 2022 the US currency has fallen a total of 6.35% compared to the end of 2021.

Why did the dollar fall?

The Peruvian sol, together with other currencies of Latin Americarecovered from the heavy losses reported yesterday.

According to, the market showed a global retreat of the dollar and a slight increase in investors’ appetite for risky assets.

“Forex markets are a bit quieter this morning as the world tries to assimilate the war into Europesaid Chris Turner, Global Head of Markets at ING.

This comes following the United States, the European Union and some other countries responded to the Russian invasion in Ukraine with a wave of sanctions that prevent Russia to do business in major currencies, along with sanctions once morest banks and state-owned companies.

Furthermore, it was recently discovered that the European Union continues to analyze the exclusion of Russia from the SWIFT international payment system.

“SWIFT is the financial nuclear weapon. SWIFT is what would allow Russian financial institutions to be isolated from other financial institutions around the world,” French Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire said.

Dollar price for buying and selling

The platform, how much is the, indicates that in the parallel market the dollar the dollar is bought at S/ 3.73 and it is sold at approximately S/ 3.78.

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While in digital exchange houses the green ticket it is bought at S/ 3.72 and it is sold at S/ 3.77 on average.

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