Don’t rush to throw away the leftover beer during Tet, let’s do this

Instead of going to the supermarket to buy glass cleaner spray bottles, you can save this money by using leftover beer. Beer contains alcohol, so it is possible to clean glass doors and glassware quickly. Try using beer to clean the glass door, after wiping the alcohol will evaporate and leave a shiny and clean glass door.

Head washing

Your hair has recently become dry and frizzy, don’t be upset. Beer can help you solve this problem. Due to the ingredients of barley and hops, beer can help hair become shiny, soft and dandruff-free. Washing your hair with beer is quite simple, first wash your hair thoroughly with the type of shampoo you still use, then pour beer on your hair, gently massage it with your hands for a few minutes and then rinse it off with water. Don’t worry the beer smell will disappear after a few hours.

Loosen rusted screws

Put a little beer on the rusted bolt, screw or nail, after a few seconds the rust will be loosened.

Silk laundry

To preserve the softness as well as the color of the silk clothes, use beer. First, dilute the beer with cold water, let the clothes soak for about 15 minutes, then wash them with clean water and hang them to dry. Beer will help soft clothes and keep the color quite well.

New Year's beer children lose to elephants due to work or failure to do this-Hinh-2

Deodorize the refrigerator

Refrigerator used for a long time often has a very unpleasant smell. Use a towel dipped in beer, wring it out moderately and clean, the refrigerator will get rid of the smell of food stuck in it.

Making fertilizer

Beer is made from barley, so it has many nutrients. Specifically, in addition to alcohol content, beer also contains about 17 types of amino acids (proteins) and a fairly rich enzyme system, especially starch-digesting enzyme Amylase. So if you don’t finish your beer, please don’t throw it away. Use this beer to water your plants, this is a very good fertilizer for plant growth.

New Year's beer children lost to elephants due to work or failure to do this-Hinh-3

Snail Trap

You just need to fill a plate with beer, the smell of beer will attract snails to crawl and make them drunk.

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