Dr. Luqman’s Herbal Medicine Tips for Heart Health: Pomegranates and Olives

2023-12-09 16:46:18

Al-Marsad newspaper: Infertility, physical therapy and herbal medicine consultant, Dr. Luqman, revealed the benefits of pomegranates and olives for heart health, noting that they work to strengthen the heart muscle and arteries.

He said during a video clip on his Tik Tok account: “Squeeze 600 grams of pomegranates and eat them daily, and eat boiled olive leaves, twice a day.”

He added: “I challenge everyone who tells me that he ate pomegranates, olive oil, and olive leaves, and that strengthened his heart.”

He pointed out the necessity of following a healthy diet, and also advised stopping consuming energy drinks, prostate, and toast.

#Watch. #Doctor #reveals #nutritional #substances #strengthen #heart #muscle #arteries #AlMarsad #newspaper

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