Drawn applause: Eduardo Fuentes is seen dancing guaracha during a loose mare threshing in Olmué

Facing the third night of the Huaso de Olmué Festival, the drivers of the event moved during this day to the Quebrada Alvarado to participate in a free mare threshing.

Fuentes has received more praise than criticism for his debut as host of the historic national contest. after the first night He confessed that it has been a “once in his life” experience.

Among the different activities they carry out in this commune of the Valparaíso Region, Fuentes and Ivette Vergara were invited to a traditional mare threshing on the loose. There they were seen dancing cueca and guaracha, according to the same entertainer shared on social networks.

“Today we went to share traditional festivities such as the free mare threshing in the Alvarado de Olmué ravine. Friendly and simple people, proud of their history, welcomed us with great affection. Thank you for so much kindness! ”, Fuentes wrote on Instagram, along with photos and a video of his performance.

His publication was filled with applause: “What a cute huaso”; “Just wish you blessings… We recognize and admire you… always coherence”; “Cute, always simple and close to people. All the success ”, were some of the congratulations.

The Guaracha by Eduardo Sources:

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