Drink coffee while you train? These are the effects it causes in exercise

Coffee has stood out as one of the favorite drinks around the world and it is not for less. Many are the people who claim to feel better after drinking a cup, more awake and active, all this derived of course from the caffeine content with which it is made and which is responsible for all this.

However, special emphasis has been placed on the fact that a large number of specialists have recommended this drink to help train, mainly because it increases the sense of alertness, resulting in routine exercises not being as hard or much more relaxed. It has also been highlighted that coffee could help muscles burn more fat.

It turns out that the muscles use a substance called glycogen, which is a stored version of glucose for energy, but when these are depleted, the muscles become much weaker, causing exhaustion and can be much less efficient when performing. your daily routine even shows great exhaustion.

In the case of caffeine, it is important to note that it will help muscles burn fat quickly. Some specialists have highlighted that caffeine can work directly on the muscle, thus helping to improve its efficiency in energy generation.

Source: International media


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