Drinking water: good consumption practices | handles

How much to consume?

It is recommended to drink a minimum of 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day (for adults) and even before being thirstyespecially for the elderly, whose feeling of thirst is diminished.

Some mineral waters, due to their sodium concentration, should be consumed sparingly and may have contraindications. Any therapeutic use of natural mineral water falls within the medical field. Indeed, highly mineralized water can be harmful if it becomes the only daily drink. For example, above 250 mg/L, sulphates can promote diarrhea and above 900 mg per day in adults, calcium can induce kidney stones.

What preservation and which containers should be preferred?

Bottled waters should not be consumed beyond their expiry date. To best preserve them, it is recommended to store them away from the sun and the temperature, in a cool place such as the cellar.

To store tap water, you should avoid using a plastic bottle like a water bottle or carafe, as the chlorine in tap water can react with the plastic of the bottle. prefer containers such as glass or stainless steel, more resistant than plastic to chlorine and the possible acidity of water. You can store tap water in the refrigerator for 24-48 hours.

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