DSDS Europa Park Jury Castings: Dieter Bohlen & Pietro Lombardi

2024-03-06 22:23:39

Jury castings in the amusement park

Dieter Bohlen is looking for the superstar this year in Europa-Park

The DSDS jury will be casting in Europa-Park in 2024: rapper Loredana, Pietro Lombardi, Dieter Bohlen and Beatrice Egli


March 6, 2024 at 8:28 am

DSDS goes Europa-Park!

In the new DSDS season, the candidates present their talent in a very special location: The jury castings take place in one of the most popular theme parks – Europa-Park! From the end of April, DSDS veteran Dieter Bohlen and singer Pietro Lombardi will be on site together with pop singer Beatrice Egli and rapper Loredana and will judge the potential new superstars.

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Europa Park visitors can watch the DSDS jury at work

In the video: The new DSDS jury is complete

03:22 min

The DSDS jury 2024 is complete

Which ladies are on the jury alongside Pietro and Dieter?

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“We have found our dream cast for the 21st season!”

Inga Leschek, program manager for RTL and RTL+, is looking forward to the two ladies on the DSDS jury in an RTL statement: “With Beatrice Egli and Loredana, we were able to win two very successful representatives of their respective music genres for the DSDS jury. Beatrice Egli is a multi-talented hit artist and her studio albums and songs repeatedly reach the top of the music charts in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. {window.dataLayer.push({event: ‘link_click’,link_type: ‘intern’,link_url: ‘ She made the modern pop hit socially acceptable on DSDS and established herself as a successful presenter. Loredana is one of the most popular German rappers country and has already celebrated a number of successes – alone {window.dataLayer.push({event: ‘link_click’,link_type: ‘extern’,link_url: ‘ your song “Kein Wort” has over 92 million streams. The two artists are a perfect complement to the proven DSDS jurors Dieter Bohlen and Pietro Lombardi – we have found our dream cast for the 21st season!”

It will still take a while until the 21st DSDS season is on TV. As long as all fans can {window.dataLayer.push({event: ‘link_click’,link_type: ‘external’,link_url: ‘ Stream old episodes online at any time on RTL+.

#Jury #casting #Dieter #Bohlen #superstar #year #EuropaPark

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