Dude Harlino Opens Voice on Divorce Issues with Alyssa Soebandono


The household of Dude Harlino and Alyssa Soebandono is being hit by a sideways issue, Mother. The couple who married on March 22 2014 are rumored to be divorced.

The news emerged from a gossip account on social media. Then, word spreads to Dude and Alyssa.

Not long ago, Dude Harlino opened his voice regarding the issue of his divorce from his wife. This 42-year-old man denied the oblique issue and considered it a hoax.

“When talking about issues or news hoax yes, or you could say slander, it is clear that in Islam there are severe penalties for spreading untrue news,” said Dude Harlino on his Instagram account.

“Hopefully we all avoid slander and slander,” he continued.

Dude Harlino also dismissed the news of his divorce by uploading an intimate portrait with his wife. This father of two even wrote sweet sentences in every caption he uploaded with Alyssa.

“Accompany the beauty who is having breakfast… have a good breakfast everyone,” wrote Dude Harlino in one of the uploads.

“Ma syaa Allah, walking around Jakarta, it turns out that there are lots of cool new places… especially traveling with my wife,” he wrote in another upload.

Dude Harlino also often adds the hashtag #Don’t believe in hoaxes to each of his uploads.

Dude Harlino and Alyssa Soebandono have been married for almost nine years. Both of them have been blessed with two sons, Muhammad Dirgantara Ariendra Harlino and Malik Mahendra Harlino.

Since getting married, Dude and Alyssa’s household has rarely been hit by oblique issues. This couple also rarely appears on screen. Alyssa herself is known to focus on taking care of her children.

The issue of Dude and Alyssa’s divorce that is currently circulating is quite surprising to netizens. Not a few netizens left comments regarding this issue. However, most netizens actually don’t believe it because this couple always looks intimate, Mother.

What do netizens say about the issues circulating about the household of Dude Harlino and Alyssa Soebandono?


See also Alyssa Soebandono’s smooth breastfeeding tips in the following video:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]


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