Early Cancer Detection: Don’t Ignore These Symptoms for a Favorable Outcome

2023-09-04 12:19:00

Most people when they hear the word cancer they associate it with a dangerous disease and a fatal outcome. But since the 1970s, the survival rate has tripled, thanks above all to a early diagnostic. And it is that, in reality, most cancers are treatable with a favorable outcome for the patient when they are diagnosed before they have developed too much.

The problem is that many times, because we don’t want to bother the doctor or don’t give them enough importance, we ignore some symptoms which can be crucial for an early diagnosis. According to a study carried out by the organization Cancer Research UK, more than half of the British have ever suffered from one of the symptoms that could indicate the presence of cancer, but only 2 per cent thought they could have the disease and more than one third completely ignored the alarms and they did not go to the doctor.

Catherine Whitakera researcher at University College London and lead author of the research said: “People think we shouldn’t encourage people to be hypochondriacbut we have a problem with individuals who are embarrassed to go to the doctorbecause they believe that they are going to waste your time and uselessly waste the resources of the health system”.

“We have to send the message that if you have symptoms that do not go awayparticularly those that are considered warning signs, you shouldn’t ignore themYou should go to the doctor and seek help,” he said. BBC Mundo explains to you ten general symptoms of cancer which according to the American Cancer Society you should not ignore.

Most of the people with cancer experience weight loss at some point. When you lose weight for no apparent reason, it’s called unexplained weight loss. Unexplained weight loss 5kg or more It can be him first sign of cancer. This occurs more often in the case of cancer of the pancreas, stomach, esophagus, or lung.

Fever is very common in patients who have cancer, although it occurs more frequently after the cancer has spread from the place where it originated. Almost everyone with cancer will experience a fever. at some point, especially if the cancer or their treatments affect the immune system.

On certain occasions, fever can be a symptom of some types of cancerUnsplash

Less frequently, the fever may be an early sign of cancersuch as in the case of the leukemia or the lymphoma.

He fatigue It’s extreme exhaustion does not improve with rest. It can be a symptom important as the cancer progress.

However, in some cancers, such as leukemia, tiredness may occur at first. Some colon or stomach cancers They can cause blood loss that is not obvious.

Together with the skin cancerssome others cancers they can cause skin changes that can be seen. These signs and symptoms include:

Constipation, diarrhea, or a change in the size of your stools for a long time may be a sign of colon cancer. On the other hand, pain when urinating, blood in the urine, or changes in bladder function (such as urinating more or less frequently) could be related to bladder or prostate cancers.

Many people know that moles that grow, hurt or bleed can be symptoms of skin cancer, but we must also be vigilant. to small wounds that do not heal in more than four weeks. A mouth sore that does not heal may be due to a oral cancer.

Small wounds that extend over a long period of time may be a sign of cancerPixabay

Any change in the mouth that lasts for a long time should be examined immediately by a doctor or dentist. Sores on the penis or vagina could be signs of either an infection or a cancer in the initial stage, and should be examined by a health professional.

And unusual bleeding can happen in case of cancer in its early or advanced stages. Coughing up blood could be a sign of lung cancer. On the other hand, if there is blood in the stool (which can be very dark in color) it could be a sign of colon cancer o rectal cancer.

He endometrial cervical cancer (lining of the uterus) can cause abnormal vaginal bleeding. Also, blood in the urine it may be a sign of bladder or kidney cancer. A bloody discharge coming from the nipple may be a sign of breast cancer.

Many cancers they can be felt through the skin. These occur mainly in the breasts, testicles, lymph nodes (glands), and soft tissues of the body. A mass or hardness may be an early or late sign of the disease.

Indigestion or persistent difficulty swallowing may be signs of esophagus cancer (the swallowing tube that leads to the stomach), stomach, or pharynx (throat). Nevertheless, Like most of the symptoms on this list, they are often caused by other causes than others.

A persistent cough may be a sign of lung cancer. It is advisable to visit our doctor if we have been suffering from it for more than three weeks. Meanwhile, hoarseness can be a sign of laryngeal cancer or the thyroid gland.

Conocé The Trust Project
#Ten #symptoms #related #cancer

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