Early Detection and Symptoms of Cancer: What You Need to Know

2023-08-25 16:01:22

Cancer is a disease in which some cells in the body multiply uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body. Many people feel terrified just hearing the word cancer, but the truth is that treatments against the disease are becoming more and more perfect.

The important thing when talking about cancer is early detection. And it is that attacking it in its early stages will imply rapid treatment and a possible complete recovery.

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It must be said that the first symptoms of this disease, regardless of which organ it is attacking, are almost imperceptible. However, attention can be paid to some alarm signals that are evident, especially at the beginning of the day.

The signals that the body gives when it has cancer

1. Changes in the skin: the skin is the largest organ in our body, so it will be easier to notice changes in it than in other areas. If, for example, you notice a mole changing in size or color, pay close attention to it and make an appointment with your doctor. It will also be necessary to consult a specialist if you see strange spots that were not there in the past.

Another aspect that you should take into account, when talking about the skin, is starting to feel very itchy, painful or sensitive. If these symptoms become persistent, they are usually an indicator of the presence of cancer cells.

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2. Changes related to urine: changes in the urinary pattern could be a sign of problems in the kidneys, bladder and prostate. Some types of cancer, such as bladder or prostate cancer, can begin to manifest through changes in urination, that is, the process of emptying the bladder, which leads to the desire to go to the bathroom. These changes are usually more noticeable in the morning, since the body has had a few hours of rest, without carrying out this process.

Urine color can provide valuable information.

3. Abdominal pain or discomfort: Abdominal pain can be a symptom of many health problems, including cancer. These discomforts are usually more noticeable in the early hours of the day, after muscle relaxation has occurred during sleep.

The truth is that abdominal discomfort can be the first symptoms of various types of cancer, such as colon or ovarian. In addition, it should be taken into account that several of these pains tend to be stronger when you wake up.


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