Early Signs and Treatment of Tongue Cancer – What You Need to Know

2023-12-17 10:11:00

Marwa Mahmoud Elias wrote Sunday, December 17, 2023 12:11 PM

Tongue cancer One of the most important cancers that some people suffer from, and this type of tumor is classified as one of the most important “oral” cancers, which vary and branch out, and affect a person in part of his mouth, in his neck, in his lymph nodes, or in his tongue. He died last Thursday evening. YouTuber and Tech The famous Tucker, “Abdul Rahman Morsi,” known as “Valentino,” died at the age of 25, affected by a tumor in the tongue. What are the early signs that warn of this cancer, and what are the available treatment methods?

Early signs of tongue cancer

A report published on the CancerCenter website answers that many of the early symptoms may… It appears on the tongue and in the mouthThe patient should not neglect treatment, because early detection helps in his treatment options and increases their chances. One of the most important of these signs is the patient’s feeling of a recurring burning sensation in the tongue that does not get rid of it easily. Likewise, some people may suffer from bleeding or blood coming out of the tongue for no reason, and just as persistent sore throat infections occur. The constant feeling of sore throat without any treatment being helpful is one of the most important signs.

The report continued that the feeling of the presence of a body or mass in the throat is one of the most important signs of… Tongue cancer Also, the patient may have recurring problems while chewing food and while swallowing it, and he may also suffer from unpleasant odors coming out of the mouth that are ineffective in treating them, and weight may also be affected and losing it continuously for no reason is one of the most prominent signs that warn of a problem or cancer in the body, especially in the tongue. The shape of the tongue may also be a sign of infection, as the appearance of different-colored spots on the tongue, such as red and white dots, a noticeable change in the shape of the tongue from its normal shape, and the appearance of hard lumps or thick areas on the patient’s tongue as well, are all early warning signs of the problem.

Treatment of tongue cancers

As for the treatment options mentioned in a report published on the cancerresearchuk website, they are many and different. Some of them depend on removing the cancerous part of the tongue. The patient may also undergo radiation therapy, especially after undergoing surgeries to remove parts of the tongue or glands. Doctors may resort to treating some cases during Some medications and immunotherapy treatments.

The report explained that this is an option treatment It is determined according to the stage of the cancer itself, according to its size, whether it is smaller than 4 cm or larger, and according to its location on the tongue or its spread in parts of the mouth, pharynx, and glands.

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