Eating Nuts: A Natural Anti-Inflammatory Aid for Depression and Overall Health

2023-10-07 08:50:13

Food can actually affect a person’s mood. RecentlyResearchIt was found that eating a small handful of nuts a day can reduce the risk of depression by 17%. The results of this study were finally published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition. However, because nuts are rich in many nutrients, It not only reduces the risk of depression, but also has benefits such as maintaining heart health and controlling diabetes.

A good anti-inflammation helper, study finds that eating nuts can reduce depression and many diseases

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The researchers analyzed data from about 13,000 participants in the UK Biobank, with an average age of 58, who did not suffer from depression at the start of the study. They then used questionnaires to method, participants’ nut intake was recorded, as well as symptoms of depression or use of antidepressant medications.

The researchers said that during the 5.3 years of follow-up, low to moderate nut intake (greater than 0 to 1 serving per day, about 30 grams) was associated with a 17% lower risk of depression, compared with those who did not consume nuts. This protective association was enhanced in the absence of known risk factors for depression.

Although the study did not conduct a cause-and-effect analysis, the research team believes that the protective effects of nuts come from their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Nutritionist Natalie Rizzo, who was not involved in the study, said these nutrients may prevent inflammation throughout the body, including in the brain, which researchers believe is a cause of conditions such as dementia and depression. . However, although this study showed a correlation between nut consumption and reduced incidence of depression, it did not show a causal relationship, and further research is needed in the future.

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Not only can it reduce the risk of depression, but eating nuts also has 4 major benefits to the human body.

Experts believe that nuts contain amino acids, such as arginine, glutamine, and serine. As long as they are properly consumed, they can not only reduce the risk of depression, but also produce the following four benefits to the human body:

1. Helps with heart health: Eating nuts is associated with lower concentrations of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the body. When cholesterol is lowered, it helps reduce the risk of heart disease and myocardial infarction.

2. Help with weight loss: Research shows that although nuts are usually high in calories, only part of the calories are absorbed by the body, so eating them in moderation is quite helpful for weight loss.

3. Control diabetes: Research shows that incorporating nuts into the daily diet can improve blood sugar and blood pressure in patients with type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

4. Rich in nutrients: Nuts contain a variety of essential nutrients, including vitamin E, magnesium, selenium and fiber. In addition, nuts such as almonds, pistachios and walnuts are also rich in fiber, which can improve intestinal health. and reduce the risk of disease.

(Changchun Monthly/Compiled by the editorial department, provided with authorization from the article/NOWHealthPicture source: Dreamstime/Dianjiang Image)

Further reading:
·Women who eat walnuts at least 2 times a week reduce the risk of diabetes by 24%, but they need to reduce their food intake by 1
·Eating too many nuts is hoarding oil!Exceeding “this amount” in a day will make you sad and hurt your blood vessels… and you will get fatter and fatter

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