Echoes of the “Kołodziejczak tapes”. Telus for I hear from his colleagues that it is a betrayal

Five months before the parliamentary elections, Michał Kołodziejczak talked about the behind-the-scenes of cooperation with Porozumienie by Magdalena Sroka, the current MP of the Third Way. He explained that this group was supposed to impress the rural electorate. How does he define farmers? “We go to people who are worse than us instead of those who are better, because we think that the better people think worse of us,” the current KO politician told AgroUnia activists in May 2023. He assured then that There is no question of running from the Civic Coalition list.

The Kołodziejczak tapes revealed by the journalists of “Gazeta Polska” are commented on by former Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Robert Telus for

– Here I can use the opinion of people who worked with Michał Kołodziejczak. They hold a great grudge against him because he ultimately left them for his job. Specifically, they say it’s cheating – we hear.

The politician emphasizes that “Kołodziejczak grew up on barricades, on various protests, but it is clear today that all these media stunts were aimed at a particular goal.” – It was not about the idea of ​​fighting for Polish agriculture, but about finding a nice job – he adds.

– First of all, you have to be credible. Every politician must be credible if he wants to achieve his goals. If he is not a credible politician, it will come out sooner or later

– we hear further.

As Telus sums up, “today the village has already learned about his actions.”

When I meet people at fairs, they often come back to the fact that Kołodziejczak betrayed them, that Kołodziejczak, who grew up on these people’s problems, is now pursuing his own business.

– said Telus in an interview with


#Kołodziejczak Tapes #Michał Kołodziejczak #scandal #Tusk’s lawlessness

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