Economy: László Vizoviczki, the master of nightlife, can be released this year

Economy: László Vizoviczki, the master of nightlife, can be released this year

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February 2024. 02. 18:45 February 2024. 02. 18:45 Economy

The verdict is not final, the prosecution has appealed, and an additional condition is that he must pay a fine exceeding 100 million.

László Vizoviczki, the former feared lord of Hajógyári Island, who was convicted of bribing the police and a budget family, may be released from prison this year, as the two sentences have been combined, the Hungarian Nation. The verdict is not yet final, the prosecution has appealed.

The master of nightlife was raided on May 31, 2012, in the midst of a huge police and prosecutor’s office raid. During the operation, not only him, but also several police officers, including the former head of the National Investigation Agency’s (NNI) anti-organized crime department, the former head of the NNI’s department against special criminal groups, the former head of the BRFK’s public order department, and a former BRFK detective were detained. .

As it turned out later, Vizoviczki acquired his nightclubs using illegal methods, and he also paid millions in order to obtain criminal information and to prevent the police from raiding his nightclubs, while his competitors did.

Twenty-two defendants were brought to court in the bribery proceedings, including seven police officers – five of whom were in senior positions -, a former fire captain, the chief financial officer of the National Tax and Customs Administration, a municipal civil servant and a public health inspector.

After many years of denial, Vizoviczki admitted everything in 2019, so he was legally sentenced to seven years in prison for bribing police officers and another seven for budget fraud. However, his two sentences were combined, and the time spent in custody and under criminal supervision was taken into account, thus reducing his sentence to eight years and four months. However, his release is still not certain, as the prosecution has appealed.

In addition, the condition of his release is that he must pay the fine exceeding one hundred million forints, which was established by the court in the final judgment. According to Magyar Nemzet, this shouldn’t cause him any problems, because in the meantime he got back the record sum of HUF 250 million bail, which helped him avoid arrest for a while.

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February 2024. 12. 16:38 Stojchev Ivan hvg360

We don’t know when the moment will slip into people’s consciousness that something is wrong with this administration, which is why the current case is dangerous.

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