Economy: Mihály Varga “explains” why the government limits the amount of the Baby Bond that can be invested, now that the interest rate is high

Economy: Mihály Varga “explains” why the government limits the amount of the Baby Bond that can be invested, now that the interest rate is high |

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February 2024. 13. 12:01 February 2024. 13. 12:03 Economy

Higher interest for families with Baby Bonds, a closed loophole for those abusing the rules – the Minister of Finance snarls.

Minister of Finance Mihály Varga In a Facebook post explain the amendment to the law concerning Baby Bonds, with which the government limits the amount of Baby Bonds that can be invested.

Varga emphasizes that “as of February, we raised the annual interest rate of the Baby Bond to a record high of 20.6 percent.” He then adds that “families are already saving for 350,000 children in Baby Bonds, the amount of which reaches HUF 310 billion”.

During his enthusiasm about the high interest rate, the Minister of Finance mentions only in broad terms that the interest rate on the Baby Bond jumped so much not because the government raised it, but because it was linked to inflation: the previous year’s average inflation was fixed at +3 percent.

By the way, the government has just amended the law regulating the Baby Bond.

The essence of the amendment to the law is to limit private individuals’ payments to the Start account, so from now on a maximum of HUF 1.2 million per account can be paid per year. Presumably, this is an attempt by the government to keep its expenses under control due to the high Baby Bond interest rates. Although Varga now gives a different reason for this, the government decided to deviate from the law on youth start-up support by means of a decree citing the emergency situation due to the war in Ukraine, as usual, without explaining what the Start account has to do with the war. We wrote more about this here:

On the other hand, Varga explains the decision as follows: “The exceptionally high yield of the Baby Bond attracted the attention of abusers in the recent period, who invested exceptionally large sums in the Baby Bond in a short period of time. The government’s position is clear: with the high yield of the Baby Bond and the accompanying state support, families saving money for their children should be supported, not those who abuse the rules. Therefore, the government closes the loophole and maximizes the amount that can be paid into Start accounts annually at HUF 1.2 million. The change affects 1 percent of account holders,” the finance minister said in a statement.

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